Bald is Beautiful

Those of you who have been following along know that I was planning to shave my head for St. Baldrick’s and I did!  Together with friends Al Mancini and Rick Moonen and other participants at Ri Ra Las Vegas, we raised nearly $20,000.  My hair will grow back in an unknown color, but I know I have done something amazing to help out kids with cancer.

Enjoy the pics and watch the video!

A dose of liquid courage with my two buddies!

A dose of liquid courage with my two buddies!

Our new look!

Our new look!

Chef Rick Moonen keeping his dome warm

Chef Rick Moonen keeping his dome warm

with friend Julie

with friend Julie

Many thanks to everyone who came out to support and donated.  And special thanks to Friend Lynn Moonen who took all the pics and filmed everything.


Shave and a Haircut – Two Bits!

What would you do if one of your friends or family members had cancer? Would you shave your head to show solidarity and support because they will likely be losing their hair in treatment? Each year I THINK I am going to shave my head for St. Baldrick’s on March 1st and then I chicken out.  Last year I had made the mental commitment to actually follow through with it and then I remembered that there was a family reunion to celebrate Dad’s 70th Birthday on March 20th.  It was the first time since my Grandad’s funeral in 1992 that all 5 of the siblings had been together and the FIRST time EVER that all of Dad’s grandkids had been together.  I knew if I showed up with a shaved head for the official photographer I would never have heard the end of it.

The whole Fam Damily

The whole Fam Damily

So here it is, another year later, and I was reminded by friend Al Mancini‘s FB posts that it is finally time to step up to the plate and get shaved.  Here is the thing:  St. Baldrick’s raises much needed research funds for childhood cancers.  Kids’ cancers are different from adult cancers and need to be treated differently and researched differently.  And one of the most challenging things treating infants with cancer is they can’t tell you how they really FEEL.  Years ago I dated a guy, Tony K, whose mom died of a “childhood” cancer.  It was almost unheard of for an adult to get the kind of cancer she had.  All of her treatment was FREE because she was able to talk to the doctors and tell them how she felt and what the treatments were doing to her.  She helped with research.  Well, here is my chance to something to help.

It is a joke among me and my friends that I change my hair like I change my mind. At a sales meeting a few years ago, we showed a slide show of photos taken at several different conventions.  The people in the room started laughing and I couldn’t figure out what they were laughing at.  But it was my hair!  In every single picture it was different.  A different shade of red, a different length, shape, cut, style.  Never the same! On March 1st at Ri Ra in the Mandalay Place Shoppes, I will have my head shaved for childhood cancer.  I am asking ALL of you to consider making a donation of ANY amount.  No donation is too small, $5, $10, it all adds up.  My goal is $2000, but I really want to beat my friend Al (hehehe).  I figure if he can shave his Mohawk, I can shave my crowning glory.  HERE is the link to donate. I have a little over 3 weeks to make this happen and I need YOUR help.

You can watch a Retrospective of my HAIR for a quick laugh.  There are even pics of me and my Mohawked friend so you can see all the hair that is going to disappear.  Donate, join my TEAM and agree to be shaved, show up at Ri Ra and let’s raise some much needed $$$ for Childhood Cancer Research.